Board Members recap their experience
at ALTS 2020

Aloha HFFA,

Arriving in Orlando, FL for the ALTS HR Conference I was both excited and nervous. There were great classes that I had registered for and lots of opportunity to learn. The “sessions” as they call the courses at the conference had great variety. Sessions I attended included Introduction to grievances, Benefits of a PFT Program, generational differences, Suicide Prevention, Before the lawyer Arrives, Mentoring future leadership, and Frontline Union rep basics.  Every instructor was passionate, professional, and enjoyable to hear. The organization and coordination of ALTS greatly impressed me as well. But the most valuable lessons I got were from meeting with and connecting with brothers from all around the US and Canada who shared their departmental and union stories. It was an excellent experience and I hope to return for another conference because there were many courses that overlapped and I had to choose which one suited me best.

Michael Hadlock
Oahu Board Member

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Aloha HFFA Brothers and Sisters!

ALTS provided me with invaluable knowledge, training, network opportunities and most importantly recharged me for the start of the new year to get back to work for our members and our Hawaii Fire Fighters Association!

With the current political climate in our country and the “union buster” mentality being spread by many politicians and big business (and unfortunately being adopted by some of our Fire chiefs), now is the time for the IAFF and the HFFA leadership to bring our members back to the ideas of unity and solidarity. It is a time for OUR union to be stronger than ever!

I attended classes that were centered around these ideas:

  • Increasing membership participation
  • Branding our local union
  • Maximizing IAFF resources
  • Building our communications
  • 2020 Political landscape

In 2020, for the Maui division, it is our top priority to increase member participation. I also attended a class on the latest Cancer research and things we can do as Fire fighters to try and mitigate our risk of cancer.

ALTS also provided me the opportunity to meet and work with our new HFFA board members and attorney, as well as strengthen my working relationship with both Bobby and Andy.

ALTS provided the invaluable opportunity to meet with our DVP Frank Lima who even took time out of his busy schedule to attended a class with us on Sunday.  We also had opportunity to meet and network with our other Team 10th brothers and sisters from California, Arizona, and New Mexico.

Mahalo for the opportunity to attend ALTS!

Humbly Submitted,
Jeremey-Bo Irvine
Maui Division Chairman